Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Read online

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  After hours of practicing water manipulation, she was burnt out. The moon was high in the sky, and her glowing white eyes were fading back into grey. She held her shaking hands over the fountain and willed her powers to her fingertips. She had at least learned how to direct the powerful energy into certain parts of her body.

  The water under Aveena’s fingers boiled, but no droplets formed. She grunted and tried to force them into the air, but nothing happened. She didn’t know how long, or how many times that she had tried this, but she barely got any results. Stupid seal.

  The princess became frustrated and forced more power into her hands. The water only boiled more, but it was nothing spectacular. That wasn’t even what she was aiming for. She was stressing herself so hard, because she knew that she had to learn how to control her powers. That way she and Michael wouldn’t have to do it the other way and so, he wouldn’t die outside the walls somewhere. She knew that it was her fault that he died in her premonition. She was with him, and that was enough proof for her.

  Aveena stared down at her hands with blurred vision. It was like all the light from the moon was darkening, and the world began to spin around her.

  “Aveena?” Michael was standing a few feet away from her with concern written all over his face. “What’s going on with you?”

  Aveena didn’t have time to answer. The light in her eyes went out, and her body shut down. She expected her head to meet the stone with a crack, but Michael had caught her in time. He looked down at her, now closing, eyes.

  Aveena fought to stay conscious. “This isn’t fair…” She reached up to touch his face. Her feelings had grown strong for him after all of the dreams that she’d had, and she was already in love with her Knight. She knew how she was supposed to feel, and that they were supposed to be together, but for how long? How long did Michael have to live if she accepted his fate and let herself be happy? She just couldn’t bear the thought of losing him.

  Chapter 12

  Michael stood in his cabin, wishing that it came with a mirror. He examined the clothes that Lavier had sent to him, and his lip curled up with a snarl. It’s not that he looked bad, but he was used to clothes that were meant for combat, not for dancing. The only reason he agreed to go to the ball was because one of the servants told him that Aveena would be attending. It had been two days since he’s spoken to her after she fell ill. After using up so much power, she had to stay in bed and could barely move.

  Avon insisted that he would be the one taking care of her and that Michael wasn’t needed, so Michael kept his distance during the day, but at night he would visit her. He’d sit by her bed and watch her sleep, knowing that it may have seemed a little weird, but he needed to make sure that she was okay. He felt that it was his fault that she passed out that night, and felt a responsibility to keep an eye on her. Just in case she needed anything.

  Michael sighed. He was uncomfortable in these clothes. What he was wearing was similar to what Lavier and Avon wore: No shirt, soft red pants with a black waist band, and black sandals. It wasn’t what he expected to be wearing to a ball, but whatever.

  He took off his necklace and pushed it under his pillow, grabbed his staff ball and shifted it into a staff, then walked over to the door and snarled at the sounds of his sandals clacking against the wooden floor. Why couldn’t he wear his boots?

  Michael took the back entrance into the Palace and walked down the long dim hallway. He was on his way to the ballroom when the female servant, Mary, stopped him midway.

  “Oh, dear,” Mary said walking up to Michael with her hands covering her mouth.

  Michael immediately felt defensive. He already didn’t feel comfortable, and now she was looking at him with a shocked expression.

  “You look wonderful!” Mary blurted. “Those clothes looks very good on you.”

  The corner of Michael’s lips curved upwards. “Oh, well thank you.”

  “You’re so welcome Michael. Oh, but you’re missing something.”


  “Follow me,” Mary turned around and walked away.

  Michael followed Mary to one of the back rooms. He could tell that this was one of the storage areas because of all the chairs and tables that were stacked up together.

  Mary walked over to a small trunk up against the wall and flipped it open. She rummaged through it for about five minutes before pulling something out with a big smile on her face, “Perfect.”

  “What is it?” Michael asked.

  Mary turned around holding the object. A necklace. It was similar to Clay’s necklace with the sharp stones going around it, only these were black stones with red tips.

  “A Raluzan necklace,” Mary answered before putting it around Michael’s neck. Her eyes were fixated on the necklace for a moment, and then she snapped out of her daze. “You look good. You should catch Aveena’s attention with this.”

  “Am I even allowed to be wearing this?”

  “Of course. That was Xavier’s old chest. Lavier doesn’t care much about what happens to it, or anything inside,” Mary seemed sad for a moment. “Anyways, let’s get you over to the ball. I know that Lavier is waiting for you.”

  Michael sighed, causing Mary to laugh.

  “Wait, how do you know I want to get Aveena’s attention?”

  “Oh, all the servants can tell. We see everything around here,” Mary laughed as she walked out of the room. “We’re always looking after Aveena, even though you were assigned to her. We can’t help it. Lavier is a cruel man, and the lot of us were loyal to his brother, so we took the responsibility of looking after his children.”

  They stopped right before the entrance of the ballroom.

  “And we see how you look at her,” Mary said softly. “She needs someone as kind as you in her life right now, and as good looking. Now get in there before Lavier has the Knights searching for you!”

  Michael smiled, “Thanks Mary.” He entered the ballroom and saw that many of the Knights were wearing the same attire. The males were shirtless with similar pants. Some wore different styles, but it still looked like the same material. The women were dressed in clothes that were similar to Aveena’s: tops revealing their toned stomachs, and long, colorful skirts.

  Almost all of the women there were beautiful. There were a few that he considered unattractive, but he probably only thought that because of all the goddess-like women surrounding him. It was only natural.

  As he got further into the ballroom he noticed that a lot of eyes were on him. Most of the Knights were talking and dancing, but as he passed, their eyes would turn to him like magnets. He knew it was because he was the only human, but told himself that it was because of his good looks instead.

  The ballroom was crowded with Knights. There were servants dressed in solid black clothing passing around drinks, men and women dancing to the beat of the drums, and everyone else was either sitting at a table or mingling. It was very lively tonight. No wonder it was so easy for the organization to complete missions during a ball at the Palace.

  Michael scanned the room for Aveena, but there was no sign of her. He wondered if she even made it tonight because of her condition. Sadness spilled over him when he realized that she wasn’t there....

  A pair of hazel-grey eyes locked with his. They were looking at him from across the room where not many people were standing. Michael’s eyes moved down to the girl’s slightly parted lips, and then down the rest of her flawless body. She wore a bright red top with red laces that crossed over her stomach creating two letter X’s and tied behind her back. Her shear black skirt with red flower designs hung long over her left leg, but short on her right, revealing how toned it was. When his eyes traveled back up her body they went to her hair that hung freely over her shoulders with a red flower tucked in place.

  Michael’s pulse quickened and excitement flipped around in the pit of his stomach. He was about to approach her when a hand came down on his shoulder, turning him around.

hael.” It was Lavier. “So glad that you could make it.”

  “Yes,” Michael gave a fake smile. “It’s an honor. Oh! Thank you for the clothes.”

  “My pleasure, I figured that you couldn’t afford any, coming from the Ponz Quarter, so I went out of my way and had some sent to you,” he looked Michael from head to toe. “And they fit you well.” His eyes traveled over to Michael’s staff. “Well, well, that’s different.”

  Michael looked at his staff and his eyes widened. He stole the crystals embedded in it. Hopefully Lavier wouldn’t figure that out. “Oh,” Michael chuckled. “Yeah, I had this custom made for me.”

  Lavier looked at his own staff. The King’s Staff: a staff that was only to be carried by the King or Queen of Raluza; The Gifted One. Lavier didn’t deserve that staff, and soon enough, it would belong to Aveena.

  “I wish that I could have had this one custom made. Oh well, anyways, are you enjoying yourself Michael? This ball was made for the newer Knights to get to know each other and meet some of the higher ranks.”

  “I just got here, but I do believe that I will be enjoying myself,” Michael confessed. He turned his head to look at Aveena. She was busy talking to Avon, but could feel Michael’s eyes on her and gave him a quick glance.

  Lavier gave a low laugh. “You be careful with that one. She’s trouble.”

  “Ah, I’m not worried.”

  “Well, young Knight, do enjoy your night,” Lavier patted Michael’s shoulder and walked away.

  Avon was distracted by another female and was pulled away, but didn’t go without glaring at Michael first, the disappearing into the crowd of dancers.

  Michael made his way over to Aveena, who seemed breath-taken. Her eyes roamed over his body, and then back at his dark browns.

  “Hey,” Michael greeted.


  “You look beautiful tonight,” Michael’s palm began to sweat against his staff.

  “So do you—I mean handsome. You look handsome,” Aveena stammered. She seemed less stressed than usual, which was a good sign. No mood swings tonight, maybe?

  “I’m glad that you feel better. I was worried. I’m sorry.”

  “Why? You didn’t do anything.”

  “That’s exactly why I’m sorry. I should have told you to stop pushing yourself that night.”

  Aveena gave a slight smile, “You know you couldn’t have gotten me to stop.”

  “I mean, I could have. All I had to do was tackle you down,” Michael chuckled.

  “Oh, there would have been some serious consequences if you did that,” Aveena raised a brow.

  Michael gazed over Aveena’s appearance for a second time, then leaned over to speak into her ear, pushing his nervousness down. “I think I could take any punishment you’d give.”

  Aveena’s face grew hot with him being so close to her. She could feel her powers rising in her belly and pushing up to her chest. Usually, this was something that she could control, but ever since Michael had become her Knight it’d gotten harder and harder to fight. Her powers wanted out, and they wanted him to release them. Or maybe she just wanted him to.

  For the last two days, while she was sick, she could remember Michael watching her from her bedside, making her feel safe. She knew that she wouldn’t be able to resist him for long, after all, she had forgotten that she was supposed to be pushing him away. With the way that he was looking right now, all she wanted to do was pull him in.

  Aveena cocked her head to the side, “I don’t think you can handle me.”

  Michael leaned in so his lips were barely touching her ear. He was feeling pretty bold tonight. “No, I think it’s you that can’t handle me.”

  Aveena’s hand came up to Michael’s chest. It was to give him a slight push, but once her fingertips grazed his skin, all she wanted to do was feel more of him. His chest was so soft and smooth, but hard at the same time.

  “My lady,” someone interrupted.

  Aveena gave a low grunt. Michael turned around to see a man about the same height as him, maybe a little older, with pale skin and long dark brown hair. His eyes lit up a lightning blue that were telling Michael to move away from Aveena, but of course he didn’t.

  “Devlin,” Aveena gasped, lost for words at the sight of him.

  Devlin stepped passed Michael and took Aveena’s hand. He bowed and kissed her knuckles, then stood tall again. “Is this boy going to ask you to dance Princess?”

  Aveena looked from Michael, then to Devlin and started to panic inside. Devlin was one of her longest crushes growing up, and one of Avon’s closest friends. His father was Lavier’s Knight, so he was allowed to enter the Palace as he pleased. He and Aveena were a lot alike when they were children. Lavier was emotionally abusive, while Devlin’s father was physically abusive. He would visit Aveena late at night to keep her company, and used to talk about running away with her at times, but knew that they would never do it. Once Lavier saw how Aveena was becoming attached to Devlin, he ordered for him to fight in the war. Devlin’s father had no objections.

  When Devlin came back from the war he was different. Angry. He came back for Aveena only to realize that she loved someone else, and he became even more outraged. He visited Aveena one last time to watch the stars with her before he left to work full time for her uncle.

  Michael frowned, “Who are you?”

  Devlin grinned, “I’m one of Aveena’s oldest friends, and one of Lavier’s high ranking Knights. You must be Aveena’s Knight. Avon has already briefed me on you.”

  Aveena gave Michael a look that said to stand down. She didn’t want any fighting between the two of them, and hoped that Michael wouldn’t get defensive.

  “I find it distasteful that Lavier would let a Ponz become her Knight. A human from the Ponz Quarter, nonetheless. He must’ve felt bad for you and assigned you to her. It’s not like you get much action from being by her side.”

  Michael snickered, “Oh, I get plenty of action. Isn’t that right Princess?”

  Devlin’s condescending grin turned into a frown. He snapped his head to Aveena, who looked as surprised as him, and then faced Michael again. “She would never be seduced by the likes of you.”

  “Jealous much?” Michael laughed.

  “No, disgusted,” Devlin turned back to Aveena. “Care to have a dance with me my lady?”

  Aveena looked to Michael as if she were asking him for permission. When Michael didn’t respond she nodded back to Devlin. The two of them walked into the middle of the dance floor and slow danced to the soft drums that began playing. It was as if the song had changed just for them.

  Michael watched as the two of them danced together. His eyes were literally glued to Devlin, and he imagined burning a hole into the guy’s back. He didn’t even notice Avon standing next to him.

  “You know, they used to be in love at one point in time?” Avon asked.

  Michael frowned, “What?”

  Avon grinned, “My sister and Devlin. I used to be so jealous because my sister had stolen my best friend from me, then when they separated, she was back to feeling lonely. Especially after...”

  “After what?”

  “Never mind that. I’m just glad that the two of them are linked back up again. I like seeing my sister happy.”

  They both watched the dancers for a moment. Aveena was looking into Devlin’s eyes, causing Michael to grind his teeth together.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she chooses him as her lover. It is about time that she picks one. As disgusting as that sounds, I hope that it’s Devlin. Someone good for her, and from a rich family.” Avon turned to Michael with a raised chin. “You have no chance with her Ponz boy. Give up. My sister would never fall for the likes of you.”

  Michael’s eyebrows furrowed, then he laughed and shook his head. He looked over at Aveena and Devlin again only to see that Aveena looked as if she were lost in a trance. He laughed to himself again and walked away.

  He was fuming by the time he
got halfway down the back hallway. He figured he’d just find his way out of there and head back to his cabin to sleep off his anger instead of thrashing both Avon and Devlin. The uppity boys thought that they were better than him. They categorized him as a Ponz, even though he lived as a Gem now. Then there was Aveena and the way that she looked at Devlin. There was something between the two of them. More than what he and Aveena had together, which was borderline nothing.

  “Well, well, well...” Someone echoed from in front of him.

  Michael looked up and laughed. Just his luck. It was the lead Knight from the Ruq and Ponz Quarter.

  “What do we have here?” The lead Knight asked.

  Michael observed his surroundings and realized that he was surrounded. How did he not notice that he was walking into a group of Knights? “Look, I don’t want any trouble,” he sighed. “Just let me through, and we can keep the peace.”

  “Ha! You’re not getting out of this that easy.” The lead Knight slowly walked up to Michael, but stopped a few feet away. “You cost me my status. Lavier took control from me and gave it to my second because of you.”

  Michael raised both hands. “Whoa there, that wasn’t my fault.”

  “But it is! He stripped me of my status that day I brought you in!” The Knight pulled out his staff with the sharp edge activated. “You walked in with me so easily too. I know that you’re up to something.”

  Michael gave a low growl, “What? Have you been talking to Av—”

  “Filthy Ponz. I should have just sent you to the Zext Quarter with the rest of the trash.”

  Michael’s face went blank and he dropped his hands. “Look, I’m not in the mood. You really don’t want to do this with me right now.”