Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Read online

Page 21

  “Good morning,” Yandel stepped out of the way for Michael to come outside.

  They stood in the shade of his cabin and watched as the other slaves went about their chores.

  “Feel free to grab a bite,” Michael said. “Could you toss me some bread while you’re at it?”

  “Yes,” Yandel grabbed a piece of bread and handed it to Michael, then he dug into the fruits and breads for himself.

  Michael took a bite of his bread, “So, where do you go after this?”

  Yandel finished chewing what was in his mouth, “Below the Palace. We stay across from the dungeon in another room.”

  Michael nodded, “What about family? Anyone there with you?”

  Yandel pointed to a skinny looking woman carrying a basket of dirty clothes on the walkway, “That’s my older sister. My parents...”

  Michael looked down at him and understood. His parents were either dead, or in the Zext Quarter, where they were as good as dead.

  “Do you ever think about running away? You know, being free?”

  Yandel’s eyes widened. He didn’t know if this was something that he should’ve been discussing with another Knight. Then again, Michael had been feeding him. He also showed him kindness, which was something that he didn’t receive too often.

  When Yandel didn’t answer, Michael jut his lips, “I was a slave once. You had to hear from someone that I’m a human.” He tugged on his ear. “Where I come from, there were slaves too. Even though I had the kindest slave master around town, I always wondered what it would be like to be free.”

  “You are free,” Yandel muttered.

  “Now I am, but I wasn’t always. So, what about you? Don’t you want to be free?”

  Yandel only nodded.

  Michael nodded as well. “Stay here,” he went back into his cabin and picked up his sheet. This may have been one of the worst ideas ever, but it was either this, or try and sneak Yandel and his sister out of a dungeon full of other slaves later. He tore at the sheet and ripped it until he got two short strips out of it, then he walked back out to Yandel and handed it to him.

  “What-what’s this for?” Yandel asked.

  Michael leaned in close to Yandel with a hardened expression. “You and your sister are going to get out of here.”

  Yandel’s eyes widened with fear, but he didn’t object.

  “That pond over there, between those three trees, there is a tunnel hole. Get your sister and go there when no one is paying attention. Once you’re in, wrap these strips over your foreheads and follow the tunnels all the way down to the Ponz Quarter. When you get there, ask any Ponz for Tayen or Joctus. Understand?”

  Yandel’s eyes watered with tears as he nodded. He was going to try this escape. If they got away, then they wouldn’t have to starve or fight for bread pieces anymore. If they got caught, he would most likely be killed, but being a slave would have killed him off anyways. This was a risk that he was willing to take. Hopefully, his sister was too.

  “I hope that you find your way there. I’m going to see Tayen tonight. She won’t turn you and your sister down if you make it. She’ll just be more than upset with me. Whatever you do though, do not let anyone see your foreheads.”

  Yandel nodded and stood up straight. “Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Besides, I owe you for bringing me food and clothes all the time,” Michael ruffled his hair. “Now get out of here before you get into trouble.”

  Yandel nodded again and ran off. Michael watched him run over to his sister, who looked up at Michael with the same shocked expression after a few minutes. They both went back to their chores and pretended as if nothing had happened after exchanging head nods.

  Satisfied, Michael went back inside and washed up. Once he was dressed and feeling brand new, he left his cabin to visit Aveena.

  Today, he wasn’t going to be meeting her at her door, but on her balcony. He glided towards her room on his air board, but stopped short when Avon glided in front of him to block his path. He was surprised at how well Avon was able to air board and looked him over with a raised brow.

  This morning, Avon was wearing Knight’s clothing, only the metal plates were golden. He held onto a black metal spark staff with electrical currents zig zagging up and down the pole, and was clearly feeling angry.

  Michael smiled. Avon wanted to fight. “Looks like you got rid of those jitters.”

  As if on cue, Aveena came walking through her curtain. The way her hips swayed almost caused Michael to lose his balance on his air board. Luckily, his boots were practically glued to it.

  Aveena took a deep breath. This couldn’t be good. “What’s going on?” Her brows slowly pulled into a frown.

  “I think your baby brother here wants a duel.”

  Avon grunted. He hated how confident Michael was. Just wait until they fight, then he’ll show him. “On the ground Ponz boy.”

  “As you wish my Prince,” Michael laughed and gave a bow.

  “No, you two won’t be fighting. Michael, don’t fight him!” Aveena pleaded.

  “I’m sorry Princess, I can’t back down to a challenge.”

  Aveena gave a loud frustrated sigh when she realized that they wouldn’t listen to her and turned around to leave the balcony.

  Michael and Avon made their way to the ground. Even though the space between the Gem wall and the Palace was tight around this area, there still was plenty of room for them to fight.

  Avon tossed his air board to the ground and watched as Michael gently leaned his against the wall. Michael then turned to Avon with a grin plastered on his face, and reached in his holster for his staff ball.

  “Your confidence will be your downfall,” Avon raised his chin and puffed out his chest. He wasn’t as built as Michael, but he had enough muscle to look intimidating.

  “Ooookayyy.” Michael shifted his ball into a staff and slowly wind-milled it from side to side. Something he remembered Clay doing often. “So, shall we get started? I have other things to do you know? Like your sister…Wait. That didn’t come out right.”

  Avon took a deep breath and got into a well-practiced fighting stance. It made Michael wonder just how well Avon was able to fight.

  The two of them circled each other while locking eyes and waiting for one another to make the first move.

  Michael sighed and jabbed his staff at Avon, but Avon swiftly moved his head out of the way and continued circling. Impressive. He jabbed again, but this time quickly changed his stance and swung his staff to the side of Avon’s head. Avon blocked Michael’s attack, then swiped the other end at Michael, but Missed.

  He was up on Avon now, and planned on doing his signature move: slam his staff into Avon’s chin, but instead a knee went crashing into his own and he stumbled to the ground.

  Avon gave Michael no time to recover and thrust his staff down at him. Instead of preparing to block, Michael jabbed the end of his staff at Avon and a spark blew at the plate shielding Avon’s chest. Great. It had no effect on the Prince, so he kept coming. Michael had no choice but to roll out of the way and get back to his feet.

  The two of them glared at each other, then Avon grinned. Michael was surprised by his skill. He was actually pretty good. Avon didn’t train with the high ranking Knights for nothing.

  “You’re looking a little worried Michael,” Avon jeered.

  “Ah, only a little. I’m afraid of what Aveena would do to me if I hurt you.”

  “Ha! My sister? She’s a joke, and barely has any control over her powers. I wouldn’t worry about her. I don’t even know why you concern yourself with her? You’re not Aveena’s type.”

  Michael gave a slight smile, “I don’t think you know her too well. You fail to realize a lot of things when it comes to Aveena.”

  Avon frowned and slammed his staff down against Michael’s again. They held their staffs in place. “You know what? I take that back, you are her type. She always had a thing for the poor and weak kind.” Avon kicked again
st Michael and backed away, but only so he had enough room to swing his staff at Michael’s torso.

  Michael blocked his ribs just in time, then rushed in to punch Avon in the nose. Avon wasn’t expecting that and stumbled back.

  “You two, stop this!” Aveena yelled. She was just now getting around the Palace.

  “Oh, great! The woman of the hour!” Avon yelled wiping the blood from his nose. “I was just telling Michael about the kind of men you were into.”

  Aveena halted a few feet away from them with a pained expression on her face. She looked up at Michael, who was clearly confused, and then back to Avon. “You two need to stop.”

  Avon sniffed and gave a crazed laugh. “I’m guessing you never told him about your lover.”

  Now Michael was frowning. The word lover, stung at him, but the look on Aveena’s face hurt him more. “What are you talking about?”

  Avon grinned out of satisfaction that he’d finally gotten to Michael. “Aveena’s previous Knight. He was from the lower quarters, like you.”

  “Avon!” Aveena sneered.

  “He was a Ruq,” Avon smiled. “He became a Knight because he had such a great talent in fighting, and was foolish enough to fall in love with my sister here. From the look on her face, I’d say she loved him back.”

  “What happened to him?” Michael was looking at Aveena now. What’s in the past was in the past. He wasn’t upset with her like Avon had hoped he would be, but what was it about this Knight that left her so flustered? A hint of jealousy pulled at Michael’s chest.

  Aveena looked at Michael with glossy eyes. No tears were going to fall, but the very thought of this man tore at her soul.

  Avon huffed, “The poor boy was sent to the Zext Quarter. That’s what happens when you get too close to her. Lavier gave strict orders for him not to fall in love with her, but when they got caught trying to run away, Xian was sent away.”

  “That’s. Enough,” Aveena’s said turning to Avon. “Now put your staff away and stop trying to fight him. You’ll lose.” She turned around and was about to walk away when Avon laughed again.

  “My poor lonely big sister! You’ve fallen for him haven’t you? He’s going to die just like Xian, then you’ll be all by yourself again. Just wait until Lavier’s done with him.”

  Michael could feel Aveena’s energy leaking out and heating the area.

  Avon seemed to be clueless as to what was going on, and if Aveena turned back around, she might’ve just sent Avon through all four walls.

  Michael sighed and rubbed his forehead. “This is pointless. Princess, let me walk you to the garden. You can relax there.”

  Aveena turned her head for Michael to see only half of her face. “Okay.”

  Michael walked towards the wall to grab his air board when Avon blocked him. “We aren’t done!”

  Michael clenched his teeth and dodged Avon’s staff jab. He was done playing with the boy. He slammed his fist into Avon’s neck, then his cheek. Dropping his staff out of his hand, he threw a right hook and smashed it into Avon’s other cheek.

  Avon stumbled back with each punch. Once he was completely off guard, Michael threw a kick so hard to his ribs that it knocked him to the ground. Aveena only turned her head enough to watch, feeling no need to stop the fight anymore.

  Michael stood over Avon breathing heavily, “You’re the one who’s lonely. Don’t mistreat your sister because she found someone who cares about her.”

  Aveena was shocked by Michael’s words. She knew that he cared a great deal about her, but it really hit home to hear him say it. She watched as he went to pick up his staff, then headed for his air board. He didn’t even notice Avon get back to his feet.

  Aveena’s eyes widened when her brother activated the sharp end of his staff, then panic grew inside of her when he attacked Michael from behind.

  “Michael!” Like second nature, she whipped back around, raised her hand towards Avon, and sent an invisible force against him. Avon slammed against the wall with a force so hard that it even startled Michael.

  “Aveena?” Michael looked back to see Avon pinned against the wall, fighting for air. “Aveena, calm down.”

  A few Knights saw what was happening and started running over to them.

  Aveena could feel her insides stir. It was almost as if she couldn’t control herself. Michael protected her, and Avon was going to kill him. Her little brother. Her sad, lonely, and pitiful little brother. The one person she always needed most, but he refused to be by her side. It was his fault that he was so alone. Not hers.

  “Aveena!” Michael’s face slammed into her line of vision and he grabbed her shoulders. After a few shakes, Aveena snapped out of her daze and dizzily stared into Michael’s eyes.

  Avon dropped to the ground and the Knights huddled around him to make sure that he was okay.

  When Aveena realized what she had done, she stepped around Michael to check on Avon, but halted when she saw Lavier approaching her. Where had he come from? Was he watching this entire time?

  Michael stepped out of the way for the King, also confused as to where he had come from.

  Lavier stopped in front of Aveena with a slight grin on his lips and his hands clasped behind his back. He stared into her grey eyes while his grin slowly turned into the look of disgust. Before anyone saw it coming, he whipped his hand around and slapped Aveena across her face. The force snapped Aveena’s head in the other direction, and her hair blocked any view for Michael to see her wound.

  Michael’s eyes widened. So much fire built within him, but he didn’t move. He would lose everything if he attacked the King right now.

  “I’m glad that you are coming into your powers, but you do not use them against your brother,” Lavier spat. “You could have seriously hurt him.”

  “My King,” one of the Knights called. “What do you want us to do with the prince?”

  “Take him to my quarters. I’ll need to have a talk with him about his poor sportsmanship.” His eyes snapped to Michael. “Next time my nephew challenges you to a duel, you decline. I noticed that you were going easy on him, but he is still the Prince and shouldn’t be knocked around by someone of lower status. It looks bad on him.”

  Michael nodded, then turned to Aveena. She had straightened again and was glaring at Lavier with pure fire in her eyes. They flashed gold before she turned around and silently walked away.

  Michael decided to wait a little while before going after her.

  Chapter 16

  Michael waited until everything died down. The Prince was taken to Lavier’s office to discuss what had happened, and Aveena was back in the garden.

  He was still furious after witnessing Lavier hit her with such force. It made him wonder what her life was like before he became a Knight. Did Lavier hit her often? Is that why she always looked so deflated around him?

  Michael sighed, and figured that it was time to go and check on the Princess. By now her powers had probably resided back inside of her and, hopefully, she was calmed down. He’d already experienced what it felt like when the power of Ralu leaked out too much, and didn’t want to take the risk of feeling his lungs melting again.

  Michael walked through the garden and went back to the statue of Xavier. Aveena was sitting on the other side of it with her arms folded over her chest, her legs stretched out and crossed, and her head leaning against the statue. She looked peaceful at the moment, and now he wasn’t sure if checking on her was the best idea any more. Maybe she needed more time alone.

  Michael sighed and was about to turn around when he saw Aveena tilt her head in his direction. At first, her expression was stone, but then it turned into a halfhearted smile. He stood there frozen. Aveena had been through a lot in her eighteen years of life. She had lost both of her parents at a young age and was left in the hands of Lavier, her power hungry uncle, who had turned her brother against her. Then, when she felt completely alone, she turned to Devlin, who eventually turned his back on her as well. After i
t all, she finally met someone that loved her, and he was ripped from her hands after offering her freedom from all of the pain she was suffering. Now there was just Michael. A human from the Ponz Quarter. Her Knight. A man who was drawn to her as if they were bonded together by the power of the Raluzan god.

  Aveena slowly stood to her feet. Tears welled up into her eyes and her mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. Michael knew how she felt. She had used her powers against her own brother, and for good reason, but still, he was her little brother.

  Michael snapped to her direction and walked up to her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and let her cry out onto his chest. A whimper escaped her lips, but she didn’t sob. The only proof he had that she was crying were the tears seeping through his shirt.

  After a few minutes, Aveena slowly pulled away, but not out of his arms. She looked up at Michael with blood shot eyes and searched into his. She had the ability to see through people as well, but not as clearly as Tayen could. Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath.

  “How are you feeling?” Michael asked. “I’m not used to seeing you cry.”

  Aveena gave a weak smile, “Well, don’t get used to it. This is a one-time thing.” Her soft voice sent shivers down his spine.

  “It’s okay. If you crying is the only way I can get to hold you like this, I think I’ll have to start finding ways to make you upset.”

  “Michael, you make me upset and I don’t think I’ll be running into your arms. I’ll be sending you across the room.”

  Michael laughed. His face grew hot from realizing just how close he was to her. He didn’t want to let go, but Aveena had stepped out of his grasp. A sad expression came back to her face.

  “I’m sorry about what Avon told you. I should have said something,” she looked away.

  Michael offered a smile, “No, you shouldn’t.” Aveena looked surprised. “That was in the past, and it clearly hurts you to talk about this...Xian. I don’t like to see you in pain Princess.”

  Aveena only nodded, silently thanking him.

  “But just to answer a few of my questions, have you ever killed anyone, blown them into bits and pieces, or off of a cliff by any chance? Your powers come out in huge waves. It’s kind of scary.”