Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Page 22
Aveena’s brow rose, “Only when they got on my nerves.”
“Ah,” Michael raised his chin. “I’ll try my best not to get on your nerves then. Especially after I break the seal.” Wrong thing to say.
He stood there with wide eyes. Aveena had the same expression, only then she burst out laughing. It wasn’t the reaction that he expected, but this was better than being blown into bits and pieces.
“You are a confident one,” Aveena said after her laughing died down. She wasn’t so much worried about breaking the seal. It was more so the part where he had to break the seal. The closest that she had ever gotten to doing something like that was kissing Xian, and she and Michael haven’t even done that yet.
Michael gave a nervous laugh. He still wasn’t sure how to take her reaction.
Aveena took a deep breath. It was as if the plants were drawn to her, and then went back to their original positions after she exhaled. “Let’s get out of here.”
“And go where?” Michael asked. “Lavier wouldn’t be happy about you leaving the Palace again.”
“Lavier’s not happy about a lot of things. I want to go into the city. He did say that you could escort me from time to time.”
Michael shook his head with a grin, “No wonder he’s always so upset with you. You’re as rebellious as ever.”
“Say’s the rebel.”
Michael chuckled as he unlatched his air board and dropped it. He stepped on and glided over to Aveena, who had climbed onto the front of it. “I’m leading today.”
“Be my guest,” Michael laughed.
Aveena positioned her feet on the board, then shot up towards the sky and over the clouds. The sudden jolt startled Michael, but once they were leveled, he felt safe again. The Princess seemed to be confident in controlling the board and swayed from left to right. He could hear a giggle escape from her lips, making him smile.
Michael looked down through the clouds and at the city. He could see why it was called the City of Gold. It had a golden tint to it. He’d never flown this high during the day to actually see the city this way.
“Xian took me up here before,” Aveena said looking down. “I wanted to show you. This is the city that you would be saving. Not to mention that you’ll be saving the Eastern Kingdom and Earth as well.” She reached back and slid her hand into Michaels. They were warm. “We could change the city together. My brother would have a better place to live.”
Michael thought back to his family on Earth. So, he wasn’t the only one that felt the way he did. The Princess wanted to make Raluza a better place for someone in her family as well. He and Aveena had a lot more in common than he thought.
“We should go,” Aveena let Michael’s hand go. “There was a reason why Xian only brought me up here once.” Her head nodded to something below them, and Michael turned to look.
“Knights,” Michael sighed. The Knights were far below them, but at the speed that they were going, they would be on their backs soon.
“High ranking Knights. One of them being Devlin. Most likely they can’t see us, but it’s against city law to fly up this hight over the walls,” Aveena explained.
Michael sighed and grabbed Aveena by her hips. He leaned his head over her shoulder, “Guess it’s my turn to lead.”
“Be my guest,” she was breathless.
Michael made sure that his grip was tight on her waist, then he put a little pressure down on his heel and they shot down for the city.
The Knights stopped chasing after them once they had gotten below the wall. There was no need to attack anymore since they were out of range.
Aveena’s heart caught in her throat and she reached back for Michael, only managing to grab his leg and squeeze his thigh. When he howled behind her, she was startled, but then broke out in laughter.
Once they finally reached the city, they zoomed over the road at light speed. If Aveena was scared before, then she was terrified now.
Michael led them in between buildings, people, alleyways, and finally through a dark tunnel. Aveena wasn’t sure where he was taking her when he took a turn and led them through the Zext tunnels. Her heart raced when she noticed just how far they were going into the quarter, and then suddenly, they shot up a tunnel that looked as if it led back to the clouds.
Once they were finally out of the tunnel, they got off of the air board.
Aveena immediately recognized her surroundings. She had only been here once before. Her mother had brought her to this very place to get a look at the outside world because she was always complaining about being locked up in the Palace.
Aveena took a step towards the edge of the wall and looked down. It was a long way to the ground from the top of the outer wall.
She looked up and admired the unfamiliar world in front of her. Miles of green grass stretched out below, and further out were clutters of trees that stood tall on the mountains. It was just one big forest beyond the wall that called for her exploration.
Just like in the garden, the forest begged for her attention. Even though she wasn’t necessarily out there, she could still feel it. It was like a second heart that rapidly pulsated beneath her chest. She could only remember feeling like this one other time, back when her mother was alive. They stood together on top of this very wall and watched the sun set together. Back then, this was the only wall that existed in the city.
Michael snapped his air board onto his back and stood next to Aveena. He watched as the wind blew her hair across her face and sucked in air. He didn’t exhale until she caught him staring at her, then moved his attention back to the forest.
“How did you know about this place?” Aveena asked.
“Tayen. She brought me and my brothers up here,” he smiled as he thought back. Lennie had almost fallen over the wall when Tayen saved his butt. “She wanted to show us how beautiful the world was outside the city. Of course, we only got to see it at night. Never during the day like this. ”
Aveena lowered her eyes. “Before the war, people were allowed to travel outside of the city as they pleased. I wasn’t allowed to, because I was still just a kid. Even in a warless world, there were still people who were against the royals. There always would be.” She paused for a moment. “When the North and South Kingdoms weren’t fighting, the people would travel to the Kingdoms and visit small villages. Now, no one can leave. The villagers nearby were forced to come and live within the walls, never to return back to their homes. Lavier wanted to make sure that he had people to rule over, and if they didn’t agree...” She turned around and took a few steps to the other side of the wall. The Zext Quarter was almost as big as the Ruq and the Ponz put together. It was full of slaves that were busy building the new buildings under the hot sun. Sure enough, it was for the Eastern citizens after Lavier took over. If Lavier took over.
“They were sent down there,” Michael finished her sentence.
Aveena nodded. She stared for a little while longer before a smile came up on her lips, “But, we’ll change that together.”
Michael’s brows furrowed in surprise. His face grew hot and his palms were getting moist. He knew what she meant.
Aveena gave a side grin, “You aren’t losing your nerve now are you?” She was terrified about breaking the seal, but it was better to see Michael freaking out about it than the other way around.
“Of course not,” he said. His eyes cut to hers, informing her that the challenge was accepted. “I’m actually pretty excited. Just waiting on you to make your move.”
Aveena’s mouth slowly dropped open. “And why am I the one making the first move? You’re the man. Shouldn’t you be the initiator?” She turned to him with smiling eyes. Her raging hormones were coming to the surface, and soon they would burst out of her.
Michael turned and took a step closer. He would not lose this battle. All he had to do was say or do something clever enough to make her lost for words, and that’s how he would win. He stood only inches from her now. “And how would you like me
to initiate something like that?”
Aveena thought back to last night. The feeling of his chest and abs still tingled her fingertips, and her heart raced uncontrollably as the air around her began to thicken. It was almost as if she couldn’t get enough air. The energy inside of her swirled around and started banging at her chest. Her powers wanted the seal to be removed, and they wanted Michael to do the honors. He wasn’t her husband, but there was no way that Lavier would allow her to get married. She wanted to do things the right way. The way that her parents had taught her to, but they were no longer alive, and it was for the sake of the people that she did this as soon as possible. Following the tradition of being married first would have to wait for the next generation.
Michael could see how Aveena was lost in thought. He didn’t feel like he had won the challenge, but turned it into something else. His hand reached up to touch her face, but fell short when he saw four Knights land on top of the wall a short distance away from them.
“What’s wrong?” Aveena frowned. What was holding him back now?
“More Knights. I knew they would spot us sooner or later,” Michael sighed. “We will have to continue this later.”
“Yeah, maybe in a bedroom,” Aveena giggled.
Michael opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He was lost for words.
Aveena grinned. “I win,” she whispered.
Michael’s lips curved into a smile. “We should leave. I’ll get you back later.”
Aveena backed away and waited by the openining in the wall. She knew this would be their last visit here once the guards noticed the opening to freedom.
Michael unlatched his board and dropped it over the tunnel. He jumped on and then pulled Aveena onto it. She easily positioned herself against his hard body and marveled at how hers fit perfectly with his.
“Hey! Stop there!” One of the Knights yelled.
“Why do they even bother saying that? Do they really expect us not to run away?” Aveena asked.
Michael shook his head, “I have no idea.” He grabbed Aveena by her waist and then guided the board through the tunnel.
Unlike the last Knights, these actually followed them. They couldn’t risk people going in and out of the Zext Quarter, because that would give people the idea that it was possible to escape. It actually was possible, but no one had ever tried.
Shots popped off behind them, but none landed. It was hard to lock onto a target that constantly swerved from side to side. The only thing the bullets were landing on were the stone walls.
Michael could easily guide them through the tunnel with the help of the light that shined in through the cracks. He was a pro at escaping from the Knights by now and was pretty confident that they would get away. The only set back was having a beautiful girl riding in front of him, and let’s not forget that if they were caught, the Knights would think they were trying to run away together. Like Aveena and Xian. That would be the end of him.
Aveena gripped Michael’s pants again and lowered her head so that he would have a better view of what was in front of him. She was worried because he couldn’t fight his way out with her so close to him, and if anyone were to block their path, they would be done for.
She knew that she couldn’t control her powers exactly when she wanted to, but she had to try. It always came out from feeling a strong emotion, and it could be deadly when it did. Luckily, no one had died.
The tunnels started to look familiar as they neared the exit. Usually, it would take almost half the night for Aveena to travel through the Zext Quarter, but on an air board it didn’t take much time at all.
Shots were still being fired behind them, and Michael was quick to dodge the bullets. At least, he anticipated where they would shoot next and moved swiftly to the left or right.
Aveena felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. Something like excitement and fear mixed together. The rush was exhilarating, her fear was crippling, and the need to fight burned within her. It was as if her body was being flooded with different emotions that gave her the ultimate high.
Aveena’s chest heaved as they neared the exit for the Ponz Quarter. She wondered if there were Knights waiting for them on the other side. There were multiple tunnels that still weren’t completely sealed off and had been forgotten, so the Knights couldn’t have possibly pin pointed which one they were headed to now.
“We need to get them off our backs!” Aveena yelled.
“You mean off of mine!?”
“Turn around!” Aveena ordered. She could feel her powers begging to burst through the seal. She had to use this moment, or they would be out of luck.
Aveena gripped Michael’s pants tighter, took control of the air board, and whipped around to face the Knights while still gliding in the same direction. She turned at the wrong time though, and bullets came spiraling right at her.
Aveena’s lips curved upwards, her eyes flashing gold along with the seal, and suddenly the bullets just…slowed down. The need to leap off of the board and attack took over, but Michael was still holding her tightly and his feet wouldn’t separate from the board. Oh, well. She flicked her hand up with confidence and laughed when the Knights slammed against the top of the tunnel and then crashed to the ground.
Michael’s eyes widened. She had definitely gained some kind of control over her powers, but when? He quickly turned around and zoomed out of the tunnel.
They ended up only a few alleyways away from the bar.
Aveena hopped off of the air board and turned to Michael with a bright smile, but then her smile dropped when Michael flinched back. “What’s wrong?”
Michael snapped his air board against his back with furrowed brows. He relaxed when he realized that it was just an effect from using her powers. “Your eyes. They were gold again.”
“What do you mean again? And gold?” Aveena giggled, “My eyes don’t turn gold.” When Michael’s expression didn’t change, her giggling faltered. “Right?”
Michael slowly shook his head. “They never fail to freak me out either.”
Aveena frowned.
“I mean. It’s a beautiful color, but…it’s not normal.”
Aveena sighed, “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not normal.”
Michael’s smile finally broke through, “Yes, I have definitely noticed that.”
Aveena didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing. Whatever. “So, my eyes…are they still…”
“No, they’re grey. Either way, they’re beautiful. The gold just takes some getting used to.”
Aveena’s cheeks warmed. She gave a slight smile and looked away. This giddy feeling inside of her felt awkward. Not even Xian could bring them out of her. With him, she was always calm and felt protected, but that was it. She latched onto that feeling, and soon grew to really care for him. Still, these new feelings were nothing that she felt for him. Exhilaration being one of them.
Michael felt the awkward tension rising and took a well needed breath. “Let’s head over to Tayen’s and hang out for a while. We can go back to the Palace tonight, although I don’t know how to explain our disappearance.”
“I wanted to go into the city. You have to follow my orders,” Aveena shrugged.
“Ha!” Michael threw his head back. “I don’t follow orders.” He started walking up the alley.
“You follow them from Tayen.”
Michael cut his eyes to her, “Have you ever seen her mad? That woman has brass knuckles, without the brass.”
“She seems really strong,” Aveena thought back to the short time that she spent in the basement with her. There was an odd connection between the two of them, but she didn’t know what.
“She is. Try training with her. You’d think you were in actual battle.”
“The all mighty Michael sounds afraid of a woman?”
“Not afraid, but some of you Raluzan girls are stronger than most men around here. Tayen’s one
of those women. It’s kind of scary.”
“Your mom was one of them too,” Aveena let slip out. The memory of his mother tending to her flashed through her mind. She turned her head to see Michael pressing his lips together with a sad expression on his face. He missed his mother.
“She was, or is. Hopefully,” he sighed.
“She’s probably alright Michael. Your mom seemed like the type that could handle anything.”
“Yeah, maybe anything but a missing son,” he sighed. Unwanted emotions were making their way to the surface.
Aveena reached up and gently touched his arm. “She’s okay, and you’ll see her soon. We just have to get rid of Lavier.”
Michael nodded, “Yes, we really do. I’m getting impatient. It’s been five years.”
Aveena’s hand dropped from Michael’s arm. His mom was obviously a sore subject, but what bothered her most was actually seeing him getting angry. He wasn’t the type to let his emotions come to the surface. It was like he had always hid them behind a smile to protect himself. That probably stemmed from him being away from his family for so long, and also being surrounded by a bunch of warriors the past few years. Even Tayen smiled when she wanted to hide her true emotions.
Michael took a deep breath, but kept his anger under wraps. He didn’t have much of a temper, but he still didn’t want Aveena seeing his mild bad side.
The two of them made their way over to the bar with plenty of day left to spare. On their way inside, a few heads turned, but the room didn’t freeze like last time.
Joctus was helping Tayen behind the counter, Clay was busy talking to another woman at a table, and Ty’ere and Lennie were nowhere to be found. Obviously, their lives didn’t consist of just robbing the rich and sitting around a bunch of drunks.
Aveena’s insides began to twist and her chest jerked in pain as her powers rushed up to the seal all at once. She clenched her teeth and took a deep breath, trying to control the pain. When she looked up, Tayen was behind the bar staring directly at her. The soft expression she gave when they had first met was as hard as stone now, and her eyes were piercing. It was as if there was no one else in the room but them, and their invisible energies were clashing against each other.