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Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Page 23
Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Read online
Page 23
Michael noticed the tension and drew his eyebrows together in confusion. He didn’t understand at all what was going on between the two of them, but he could feel Aveena’s warm energy slipping out of her, and wondered if anyone else could feel it as well.
Clay spotted them and smiled. He stood tall and blocked Aveena’s view from Tayen. “Guys! What are you two doing here?”
Michael’s attention went to his friend, and a big smile crossed his lips. It had only been a day and he already missed Clay. They hugged and slapped each other on the backs, then pulled away so that Clay could embrace Aveena with a tender hug.
“Hello, little Princess,” Clay greeted as he pulled away.
“Hi Clay,” Aveena smiled. Clay was very easy on the eyes and had a charm to him that no other man seemed to have. Not even Michael.
Michael cleared his throat with a half grin on his face. Clay slowly cut his eyes to Michael, “I believe the young Knight is jealous.”
Michael just held his grin with eyes a little wider than usual, clearly uncomfortable with Clay being so close to Aveena.
Clay laughed, “Relax Michael. As you can see, I have my own beautiful lady to hug on.” He stepped back and sat down on the table in front of a woman with blond hair and blue eyes. The blond folded her hands together with her elbows propped up on the table. Her chin rested perfectly on top of her hands. “Michael, you’ve met her before. Her name is Leeka.”
“Ah, Michael it’s been a while,” Leeka winked.
Aveena frowned. She wasn’t so good at concealing her emotions like Michael was. She looked from Michael, to Leeka, and then back to Michael, who wouldn’t look at her. He just stood there frozen with the same cheesy smile on his face. They clearly had history that she didn’t even want to think about.
Clay did his best to keep from laughing, but it slipped out when Aveena walked passed them and over to the bar. She could hear Leeka laughing as well. Michael had said something, but she didn’t hear what was said. Her attention was back on Tayen, who was busy pouring a customer his drink.
Tayen could feel Aveena’s eyes on her, but didn’t look up. Her skin tingled all over, and she could feel a pull in her chest to go to Aveena. The first time that they’d met, the effects of them being around each other weren’t so bad, but today it was painful. Anxiety was building, her senses had heightened, and every time she looked up she could almost see right through people. It reminded her of the times when she had first started experiencing these visual powers with no idea of how to control them. Now that she had control, she felt as if Aveena was taking it away from her.
“Whoa! Whoa! That’s enough Tay,” the customer laughed.
Tayen snatched her hand away when she saw that the cup was overflowing with the clear liquid. She gave a gentle smile as if nothing were wrong, “Sorry, I thought I didn’t pour enough.”
Aveena broke her gaze from Tayen when Michael stepped next to her and leaned on the counter. He had a coolness to himself that somehow put her at ease, then she remembered why she had walked away from him in the first place.
“Sooo, what are you doing over here all by your lonesome little lady?” Michael grinned.
Aveena sighed and held back her smile, “The man I was with found another woman to accompany him.”
“Ah,” Michael nodded. “He must be an idiot. There’s no way any man in his right mind could leave you alone for another.” He’d intended to sound like he was joking, but instead his voice was soft and smooth. Sensual.
Aveena shivered. She leaned on the counter and faced him, “He was an idiot, and apparently he’s more into the blue eyed blond type.”
“Well, lucky for me,” he brushed her chin with his knuckle, “I’m into Princesses.”
They were both silent for a moment. Did he just say that he liked her? First, it was that he cared for her, and now he’s saying that he was into her. Wasn’t it just because of the seal that he found her so attractive? He had to, or he could actually like her. No, he had most likely just convinced himself that he liked her so that breaking the seal would be bearable. It was still too soon for him to be saying that he wanted her. Then again, he was a man.
Clay slapped his hand down on Michael’s shoulder with a laugh. They both jumped then watched as Clay’s face turned red from laughter. When he looked up at the two, he started laughing even harder, causing them to slowly start giggling without even knowing what was funny.
“That’s the best that you could come up with?” Clay crackled. “And you,” he pointed at Aveena, barely able to contain himself, “Did Lavier trap you in a hole? You really fell for that?” He continued to laugh.
Now Michael’s laugh was nervous. His friend had said the wrong thing, and Aveena was no longer smiling.
“No, he locked me in a dungeon,” she responded matter-of-factly.
Clay’s laugh came to a stop and he stared at Aveena with a wide grin. In less than a minute later he burst out laughing again. “Well that explains it!”
Michael couldn’t help but let a laugh slip from his mouth, but he was quick to draw his lips in. The smile never left his face though. His friend could be quite cruel sometimes, but he always ended up making everyone laugh.
Leeka leaned on the counter on the other side of Aveena. “Don’t mind him. He means no harm,” she said softly.
Aveena wanted to feel angry towards Leeka, but the woman’s kind eyes made it impossible. They were an icy blue with a hint of grey in the middle. Beautiful.
“Yeah,” Clay rubbed his eyes. “No harm. Just laughter. Michael here really needs some work. He has no experience with women.”
“Shut up clay,” Michael punched Clay’s shoulder.
Clay cringed, “Ah, Sorry.”
“But,” Aveena looked to Leeka, “What about you and Michael?”
Leeka gave a sweet smile and shrugged, “I tried. Guess I wasn’t his type.”
Clay stepped around Aveena and moved up behind Leeka. His hands slid from her butt and then around to her thighs. “Ah, but you are mine.” He was no longer the goofy Clay from just a few seconds ago, but the sexual charming man that women seemed to be so crazy about.
Leeka looked back at him over her shoulder and giggled. She bit her lower lip when Clay gently pushed up against her from behind.
Aveena watched as his hands explored over Leeka’s thick thighs, and she touched her lower stomach when she felt an odd sensation occur. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them, and they didn’t seem to mind. She had never been that intimate with anyone, and almost craved for someone to touch her that way. Slow, gentle, and sensual.
Ugh! A voice echoed in Aveena’s head, but it wasn’t her thought. She wasn’t frustrated about anything. She more so felt calm and relaxed, and the tingling between her legs wasn’t unbearable. So, whose voice was that? Or thought?
Tayen slammed a glass cup down in between the intimate couple and Aveena. It cracked all over, but didn’t break. When Aveena looked up, she met Tayen’s cold and confused eyes, then stared back down at the cup.
Was it Tayen’s thought?
Chapter 17
“Whoa, Tayen,” Clay pulled away from Leeka. “Everything alright?”
Tayen stared at Aveena for a moment, then her eyes went to Clay. She could see the fear radiating off of him. It was a dark blue color that could sometimes grow black when someone was completely taken over by fear. She saw that a lot during the war.
“Tayen,” Joctus was right beside her, resting his hand on her shoulder.
Tayen sighed and let the handle of the cup go. She looked around and was relieved that no one was watching, then gave Clay a slight smile. “You two need to get a room. Making me a little uncomfortable.”
Clay cracked a smile. He was going to make a sexual joke, but Joctus saw it coming and gave a look that said to back the hell down.
Leeka leaned in towards Tayen, clearly not afraid of her or Joctus, and grinned, “I could relieve some of the uneasiness.”
; Tayen chuckled and smiled at her old friend. Her war buddy. They had history that would always, and forever stay between the two of them. “I have Joctus to do that for me.”
Leeka stood up straight and shrugged with a sigh, “Well, you can’t say I didn’t offer.”
“Care to relieve some of my uneasiness?” Clay asked.
Leeka turned around and ran her fingers over Clay’s necklace, “Of course. Take me upstairs?”
“With pleasure,” Clay then took her hand and started to lead her away. Everyone’s eyes were on them.
Leeka looked back over her shoulder at Aveena, “Oh, and Princess, if you want to join, you know where Clay’s room is.”
Michael was instantly jealous. How could Leeka be so open with Aveena on such a private matter? How the hell could she be so open with Tayen!?
Aveena and Michael turned back to Tayen and Joctus. Something was wrong.
Aveena glared at Tayen, but Tayen didn’t bat an eye. Her eyes flashed a bright green before she turned to Michael. “I need to talk to you.” She walked from behind the counter and towards the steps. “You too, Aveena.”
Michael gazed at Aveena with his brows drawn together. He suddenly felt protective over Tayen, like he was supposed to protect her from Aveena. Something was going wrong between the two of them, and he didn’t know what. He didn’t even think they understood, but whatever it was, it was causing Tayen to actually lose control of her temper.
Aveena flinched at Michael’s expression. She knew the reason was because of Tayen, but she didn’t do anything. Not intentionally at least. She clenched her teeth and started walking after Tayen and Joctus.
Michael cursed under his breath and shook his head as he followed behind her. Naturally, his first instinct was to protect his leader and his family. He didn’t mean to come off that way towards Aveena, but- ugh. Now he had to figure out how to make it up to her. Once again, he hurt her feelings and felt like crap about it.
The four of them walked up a flight of stairs and into another room similar to Michael’s. It had a larger bed for two people to sleep on, but had the same creaky wooden floors and chipped paint on the walls.
Tayen stood facing the window. She was looking over the city, admiring its remaining beauty as the sun shined over it. Soon, it would go down and the moon would be up to coat it with a blue tint.
Joctus stood next to her, but faced Michael and Aveena with his arms crossed.
“Close the door Michael,” Tayen said calmly.
Michael closed the door, but still didn’t walk in any further. He didn’t want to be anywhere near Tayen when she was like this. At any moment she could practically explode.
Aveena, on the other hand, confidently stood next to Michael and waited on what Tayen had to say. She didn’t get how their relationship could go south in just one day, without even actually doing anything to upset each other.
Tayen turned around with a half-hearted smile. Her skin felt prickly instead of tingly now, and she knew that Aveena was causing it. She just didn’t know how.
“You’re in pain,” Aveena blurted, feeling bad. Tayen didn’t really seem like the type to be so tense all the time.
“I am,” Tayen gave a shaky breath. “And you?”
Aveena knew it. There was a connection, but what was it? “Yes. I don’t know why, but around you, my powers get more excited than when I’m around Michael.”
Michael’s eyes widened, “They get excited around me?”
Aveena didn’t answer him, clearly still upset with him.
“So, there’s some sort of connection between the two of us. Like, some sort of energy connection.”
Aveena nodded, “I feel it whenever I’m around you. My powers start beating at the seal, trying to get out to you.”
Tayen frowned, “But why?”
Aveena shrugged, “I don’t know. From what I understand, you have some sort of gift? You’re able to look through people?”
Tayen nodded, “I can see people’s intentions. It’s almost like reading their thoughts, but not exactly. When I was younger, it almost drove me insane, but I learned to control it. Around you, it’s starting to go wild again.”
Michael looked back and forth between the two of them. There was something familiar about this situation, and it was because of something Aveena had told him, but he couldn’t figure out exactly what it was. Tayen had a gift of seeing. She could see clearer than Aveena. Tayen’s gift wasn’t just something she stumbled across or got good at, but she was born with it. This was—
“You have a gift from Ralu,” Michael blurted.
Aveena frowned in confusion, almost offended that Michael would even suggest that. “What? I’m the only person with a gift from Ralu.”
Joctus sighed and shook his head with his hands on his hips, “I can’t believe this.”
Tayen frowned as well, “What is it?”
Joctus knew Tayen wasn’t going to like what he had to say. She wasn’t the type of woman that liked, or wanted to ever be controlled. She was a leader, and yet, she was put in a follower’s position by none other than the Raluzan god himself.
“Joctus?” Tayen gently touched Joctus’ shoulder. She was worried now.
Joctus cleared his throat, “You’re Aveena’s Knight.”
Tayen’s eyes flashed an even brighter green than the time she had punched Michael in his face. Her expression didn’t twist with anger, but it was stone cold hard. “I’m a what?”
“A Knight. Aveena’s First Knight,” Joctus sighed. “I always thought you had something to do with that, and now it all makes sense. You are the First Knight, born with the gift of seeing from the Raluzan god.”
Tayen snapped her gaze back to Aveena and balled her fists. Aveena stared back in defense, only with golden eyes. Something about Tayen had changed. Something that made her more seem dangerous than what she let on.
“Whoa, guys,” Michael stepped in between the two women now. “L-let’s calm down.” He could feel both of their energies surge in the room.
Aveena raised her chin, challenging Tayen. The two of them held each other’s eyes for a long time before Tayen spoke.
“I don’t follow orders.”
“Good, I didn’t plan on giving you any. I already have a Knight,” Aveena replied.
Tayen took a deep breath and released her fists. She could still feel a pull to Aveena, as if her body and soul wanted to go to her and submit, but she fought the feeling. She was the leader of so many people, and they all looked up to her. Being the First Knight to a royal was an honor to some, but for a rebel, it was more of a disgrace to everything she’s ever worked for.
Aveena could see the strain on Tayen’s face and lowered her chin. She could tell that Tayen was lost in thought, and didn’t like seeing the all mighty organization leader look so fragile and weak. “I won’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do—when I’m Queen, I mean. It would be an honor to have someone like you as my First Knight, but I’d rather you do it by choice.”
“Don’t say it like you’re giving her a choice,” Joctus warned. Even when he was calm, he still sounded terrifying.
Tayen raised her head. She could see so clearly through Aveena that it amazed her. Aveena was a good woman, and wanted nothing but the best for her people. She was still innocent and pure, kind and loving, honorable, and a true future Queen. Aveena really meant what she had said, and Tayen could tell. She nodded, and then quickly changed the subject.
“So, Michael,” A slight smile curved on Tayen’s lips. Michael snapped to attention. If she weren’t feeling so weak, then she would have laughed. “Have you two...”
Michael’s eyes grew wide. “Uh,” he rubbed the back of his head, “Not yet—no—It’s only been a day—we will.”
“We will?” Aveena’s brow rose. Once again, Michael was panicking and she loved every moment of it. Joctus even smiled.
Tayen sighed. Her stress was now stemming from something else, “You two need to get to it
. Aveena, your powers are growing stronger inside of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just burst through the seal on their own.”
“I know. We just haven’t gotten to doing that yet.”
“Yeah, and besides, Aveena knows how to control her powers a lot better than she could a while ago. She’s making progress on her control.”
“Good,” Tayen moved her hair behind her ear. She had something important on her mind. “Aveena.”
Aveena waited for Tayen to continue.
“I can see how dedicated you are to taking over the throne and restoring the Kingdom. I can almost see right through you, really. I’ve been thinking about this since I met you last night, and I...I believe that you would be a good addition to the organization. You’re already helping us. Would you like to be a part of us?”
Aveena was shocked by the offer. Only a few minutes ago, Tayen looked like she was ready to kill her, and now she was offering her a spot in the organization? To be a part of them? Of Michael? This was probably what Michael had to deal with growing up. One minute Tayen was angry and screaming, and the next she was the softest loving creature alive.
“I...” Aveena was lost for words. She had never been a part of anything. Not even her own Kingdom. She was just a Princess that was always hidden from everyone, and kept close to Lavier so that he would be there when the seal was broken. She’d felt nothing but pain since her father died, and any happiness was brief, which later turned into sadness.
“Aveena, this is an easy answer,” Michael said.
“I just...” Aveena looked deeper into Tayen’s eyes. Was she serious about this? Tayen’s generous smile was all that she needed. “I would love to.”
“Good, the initiation will start tonight,” Tayen said. “Hope you have good control over those powers like Michael said.” She squeezed Aveena’s shoulder before leaving the room. The tension between the two of them was temporarily gone.