Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Read online

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  Michael snapped out of his daze. “Oh, well, before my father left, he said that he was looking for a place called…Where are you from again?”


  “Right, Raluza. Somehow he went there before, and when he came back home he told us all about it. A world where color didn’t matter. I believed all of his stories, but no one else seemed to. They thought that he was crazy, so he left and went looking for…Raluza…again,” Michael shrugged. “I knew that place was real.” He playfully kicked the dirt.

  Aveena smiled at the sparkle in Michael’s eye. “So, you’re not afraid of me?”

  “No ma’am, but everyone else will be. Especially, with those shackles on you. Why are you wearing those anyways?”

  Aveena averted her eyes towards the ground, “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  “Well, how am I supposed to trust you?” Michael laughed. “I can’t just take those shackles off of you. You might kill me and my family as soon as they come off. My dad told me about how powerful some of the Raluzan’s could be.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me having any power. I can’t use it,” Aveena frowned. Her pout made Michael feel bad again.

  “Well, alright. We’re going to have to figure out how to take those things off of you. I just have to think of a plan to get you back to the cabin.”

  “Cabin?” Aveena frowned. “What is that?”

  “It’s…a bunch of logs put together to look like a house,” Michael explained, scratching the back of his head. “Doesn’t look like something you’re used to”

  “No, I’m not,” Aveena sighed.

  “Well don’t look so down about it! It’s not that bad. It’s just a little cramped, but it’s warm. You can stay there until we figure out what to do with you.”

  “Don’t you have to ask your parents?”

  “My mama? Yes, but she’s not one to turn down a hungry soul,” Michael said confidently.

  Aveena sighed with relief, “Okay, well what if she asks where I’m from? Why are you doing this anyways? You don’t even know me.”

  “Because I’m my mama’s child,” Michael smiled. “And we’ll figure something out. If I can get you back now, then we could switch those clothes and say that your home was burned down or something.”

  “It might as well be,” Aveena frowned again.

  Michael sucked his lips in. “Well…Come on,” he nodded for her to follow him until he remembered that her ankles were bruised and shackled. “Goodness. You know what? I have a better idea. Do you mind waiting over here for a moment?”

  Aveena rose an eyebrow.

  “I’m taking that as a yes. Okay, I’ll be right back.”


  Houston, Texas

  Year: 2015

  “Mom, can I get some more cookies?” Ayva asked.

  “Ayva,” Vincent sighed. “You’re interrupting the story.”

  “Oh, it’s alright Vincent,” grandpa said. “We can take a little cookie break.”

  Vincent flared his nose with a groan, then he flipped to the back of his book and observed his drawing of the woman again. She fit the description of Aveena, only she was older in his drawing.

  “I’ll go and get the cookies,” Xavia walked into the kitchen.

  Grandpa stretched out his neck and peeked over at the drawing. His eyes widened at the sight of the woman in Vincent’s notebook. “That’s a really good drawing Vincent.”

  Vincent slapped his notebook shut. “Oh, yeah? Thanks.”

  “Yeah,” Christian sighed. “Vincent won the art contest at his school last year. What was it that you drew a picture of again?”

  “Oh, umm, a fountain,” Vincent answered.

  “A fountain? You know, there’s a large fountain in Aveena’s story right?” Grandpa asked.

  “Yeah, I remember,” Vincent looked away, embarrassed.

  Xavia came walking back into the room with two plates of cookies for Vincent and Ayva.

  “Thanks mom,” Ayva said.

  “Yeah, thanks,” Vincent happily took his cookies.

  “So grandpa,” Ayva started with a full mouth. “What was Michael’s new plan?”

  “Well,” grandpa started, “he ran back home to get some tools to break the shackles, and he also grabbed her some clothes to wear. After she got changed, he stuffed her old clothes and earrings into a wool bag, and led her back to the cabin.”

  “Was his mom okay with Aveena staying over?” Vincent asked.

  “Well, she wasn’t very happy about it, but she was alright. Michael’s mother was a kind woman. She couldn’t just let the girl sleep outside, especially with the times that they were living in back then. Aveena wouldn’t have made it on her own.”

  “It’s kind of weird that Michael didn’t freak out when he saw her. I know I would have,” Xavia laughed.

  “Yeah, well Michael…He was a little different. Nothing really scared him, and after all of the stories his father had told him, he knew that there was nothing to be afraid of,” Grandpa explained.

  “Okay, so what happened next grandpa?” Ayva asked.


  Chapter 3

  Van Horn, Texas

  Year: 1870

  Aveena had only been with Michael and his family for two days before her coughing started to get worse. No one knew what was going on with her, but when she started spitting up blood, they began to get worried.

  Michael’s mother would stay home and tend to her while the boys were out working, and then Michael would take over when he got back home. No one in the house could afford a doctor, so there was no point in even trying to reach out to one.

  There were plenty of times that Michael’s mother would try and take the scarf off of Aveena’s head because she was burning up, but Aveena refused. Mama was becoming skeptical of the girl, but she didn’t say anything just yet.

  Michael had walked into the house to see Aveena laying down on mama’s bed.

  “Thanks mama. I can take it from here,” Michael said.

  “Good, I’ll go and grab some supplies,” Mama stood from the bed.

  “I’ll come with you,” Anthony said from behind Michael.

  Michael heard mama and Anthony leave as he sat down on the bed next to Aveena. She didn’t look sick at all, but her coughing said otherwise. “So, how you feeling?” He asked.

  “I’ve been better, I suppose. I can’t understand why I’m coughing this way. I wasn’t like this at home.”

  “Then…maybe you should go back home?” Michael suggested. “It’s not like I want you to leave, but maybe our world is too dirty for your lungs.”

  Aveena smiled, “You make a joke about everything.”

  “I make you laugh too,” Michael chuckled.

  “Yeah, you do. I can’t go back home though,” Aveena sighed.

  “Why not? Feel like telling me yet?” He frowned as he thought back to Aveena’s shackles. She was obviously in some kind of trouble, but how much trouble could a thirteen year old girl get into?

  “I can’t,” Aveena drew her brows together in thought. She wanted to tell Michael everything, but if Lavier found out that she had said something, then Avon’s life would be in danger.

  “Oh, come on. Who am I going to tell? I don’t even know how to get to Razula,”

  “It’s Raluza,” Aveena corrected.

  “See, I don’t even know what it’s called. Come on, tell me. Why do you look so sad all the time? What happened?”

  Aveena looked down at her wrists. They had completely healed since the shackles were taken off. The seal on her chest gave her the ability to heal faster than others. It also protected her and kept her alive, but only until it faded away. Once she was old enough, the seal would break and she could finally use her powers, but Lavier was going to kill her before she actually learned how.

  “My uncle. He killed my father a year ago,” Aveena held back tears. She never talked to anyone about what happened. “He poisoned my father so t
hat he could take the crown, and I dreamt about it. I have a seal that blocks my powers, but it doesn’t hold back my premonitions.”

  Michael was still stuck on crown. Aveena was a Princess? No wonder she had such nice clothes and jewelry.

  “I confronted Lavier and told him that I was going to tell everyone about what he had done, but then he tried to-he tried to kill me. The seal wouldn’t let his sword pierce my skin. He couldn’t even draw blood.”

  “Then, if the seal protects you like that, why did I see blood on you last time? And why are you so sick?”

  “The seal doesn’t do well against natural causes, and when I got those cuts, it wasn’t because someone was trying to kill me. I just got hurt in the process of getting away. The seal protected me against Lavier because his intent was to kill me, and when he realized that he couldn’t, he threatened to kill my little brother instead. I decided not to tell anyone what had happened to my father since, but I couldn’t stay there either. My brother had told Lavier that I wanted to escape, and Lavier decided to lock me away. When Avon found out, he set me free, and then sent me here.”

  “Why did he tell in the first place?”

  “He was worried about me. He loves Lavier like a father and consulted with him. Lavier just locked me away after that. If I ever go back, he’ll wait until my seal is completely gone and kill me. If my father was still alive, then he could have removed it, but he’s not.”

  Michael sighed and leaned against the wall. “Now that’s something you don’t hear every day. You have to go back home though. You’ll die here.”

  “I’ll die there,” Aveena’s voice shook.

  “At least you’ll have time. You and I are both still kids. If I were you, I would go back and wait until my seal comes off, and then I’d use my power and blow him into dust!”

  Aveena couldn’t help but smile.

  “Does Lavier have this power too?”

  Aveena shook her head, “No, I’m the only one.”

  “What? Then what are you worried about?” Michael laughed. “Even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can just blast him away.”

  Aveena laughed at the goofy expression on Michael’s face, but that soon turned into painful coughs. She doubled over and Michael began patting her back. When she finally stopped coughing she wiped the blood from her bottom lip and leaned back against the wall. “I think…I think that I should go home,” she leaned her head towards Michael.

  “Yeah, I agree. How do we get you back though?”

  Aveena smiled, “Do you still have my earrings?”

  “Yeah, I should. They’re still buried behind the cabin with your clothes.”

  “That’s great,” Aveena was still breathing heavily. “They were my mothers. The crystals from Raluza help travel in between the two worlds.”

  “Ahhh, now I understand. I thought you fell from the sky or something.”

  Aveena burst out laughing again.

  Before the sun went down, the two kids left the house. Mama and Anthony hadn’t arrived home yet, so it was the perfect chance for them to leave.

  Michael would just tell them that Aveena’s parents had found her and took her back home. He dug up Aveena’s earrings and dress, then led her out into the woods. He looked back at his cabin home one last time before disappearing through the trees.


  “So, how does this work? We need to get finished fast so that I can hurry back home. It’s dangerous being out at this time of night,” Michael said.

  “It’s easy.” Aveena held her earring out under the moonlight, and Michael’s mouth dropped as it sparkled.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah, it’s the richest crystal we have back in Raluza. If someone got their hands on one of these back home, they would become very rich. I try to give out a small piece to someone in need when I can, but Lavier always has someone watching me,” Aveena sighed. When she turned to look at Michael, her heart fluttered. A small crush developed over the past two days, and sadness came over her at the thought of leaving.

  “It was really nice meeting you,” Michael said scratching the back of his head.

  Aveena gave a full smile, “It was nice meeting you too. Maybe I could come visit you some time? Like for a day?”

  “Yeah, that’s a horrible idea,” Michael chuckled. “I don’t want you risking your health just to come see me.”

  Aveena sighed.

  Michael walked up close to her and slowly took the crystal from her hand, then he rotated it between his fingers to watch it glimmer in the moonlight.

  “What happens when these break?” Michael asked.

  “Nothing, they just get smalle—”

  Michael snapped the crystal in half.

  “Michael!” Aveena couldn’t believe that he had just broken one of her earrings.

  “Here,” Michael handed her over the other half. “Now I can come visit you instead.”

  Aveena’s gaping mouth turned back into a smile, then she threw herself at him for a hug.

  “You be safe out there alright?”

  Aveena pulled away, “I wi—”

  “Now, what do we have here?” Someone asked. “Two little niggers under the moonlight. How about that?”

  Michael’s heart began to race. Five shadows emerged from the darkness with ropes, torches, and weapons.

  “Hope you two weren’t thinking about making yet another one of your kind. I’m really getting sick of seeing all a y’all,” the tallest man gibed.

  “We-we don’t want any trouble sir,” Michael choked.

  “Well, the boy doesn’t want any trouble. We have something in common then, right?” The man laughed.

  Aveena frowned and stepped back. “What is that? What did he just call us?” She asked Michael.

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s not what you are, and neither am I,” Michael whispered.

  “Well, look,” the man finally stopped laughing, “I don’t want to fight, and neither do my boys here. All you gotta do is put your head through this rope here and let us hang you up.” The man held up a long rope for them to see.

  Michael’s entire body shuddered. He didn’t know what to do other than run, but Aveena might not be able to keep up, and he didn’t want to leave her behind. At this point, that seal on her chest wasn’t doing them any good.

  Michael stepped back and almost slipped. When he looked down, he saw that the ground was almost covered in ice again. Aveena was doing this without even knowing it.

  “Michael?” Aveena’s voice shook.

  “We have to run Aveena,” Michael whispered.

  “So how about it?” The man asked.

  Michael took another slippery step back. If he could run away, these guys wouldn’t be able to keep up once they hit the ice.

  “Let’s go!” Michael turned around and pulled Aveena with him. They both sprinted away as fast as they could. They could hear some of the men slipping on the ice behind them, but when Michael looked back he saw that two other men were right on their tails.

  “Michael!” Aveena yelled.

  “Just run! I don’t have time to explain,” Michael yelled.

  Aveena started coughing as she ran, but she still did her best to keep up with Michael. She knew that they couldn’t hurt her, but if they got a hold of Michael, then they would definitely kill him.

  The men behind them howled as they chased after their prey. The howling did nothing but scare Michael even more, and he felt like freezing up. Of all his years of living, he had never actually been afraid for his life. Even during his last run in with Jacob, he knew that he wasn’t going to die, but tonight he wasn’t so sure, and he had no idea of what to do other than run away. Mr. Conowell wasn’t here to protect him anymore. He had to save himself this time.

  “Get ‘em boys!” One man yelled.

  Michael gripped Aveena’s arm tighter as he pulled her with him. She was doing fine keeping up at first, but every other cough was slowing her down. Her lun
gs just couldn’t take this air.

  “Keep running!” Michael yelled. “Don’t st—”

  Aveena’s hand slipped out of his grasp and she fell to her knees. Her coughing had become so bad that she could no longer even run. This was as far as she could go.

  “Aveena,” Michael slid to a stop and turned around to a face a large fist. The impact hit him so hard that he had slammed back into a tree and hit his head, then he fell to the ground face first.

  “Hell yeah! We got ‘em boys!” Someone laughed.

  “Michael?” Aveena coughed.

  Michael was dazed. He could open his eyes, but the world around him was spinning, and he could barely hear anything. His brother had always taught him that men didn’t cry, but he couldn’t help but let a few tears slip out. He was shaking and afraid of what was about to happen to him next. He had only heard stories about blacks that were beaten and hung, but he never imagined it happening to himself. What would happen to his mother when she found out? And what about Anthony? He would be heartbroken. Then Aveena. How was she going to get home? She would die here.

  “Michael!” Aveena cried.

  Michael gripped tightly onto the crystal in his left hand and didn’t let go. Besides Aveena, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He never thought in a million years that he would be holding such a valuable object.

  “Alright, get him up!” Two men walked over to Michael to pick him up, but for some reason they never got to him.

  Michael closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep when Aveena rolled him over to his back.

  “Michael? Michael, wake up!” Aveena yelled.

  Michael opened his eyes and was blinded by a golden light. It was just like the one he saw before, but brighter.

  “What in the world is that!?” A man yelled. “Let’s get out of here!”

  The five men ran away.

  “Aveena?” Michael was seeing two of the beautiful Princess.

  “Are you okay?” Aveena cried. She pulled his head onto her lap.

  “I...What...” Michael turned his head to see a golden wall that lit up every time someone jumped through it. Suddenly, he heard swords clashing, and an unfamiliar sound, like lasers shooting.