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Aveena: The City of Gold (The Black Knight duology Book 1) Page 9

  Blanko pulled out his golden staff that lit up with electricity without even making contact with anything.

  Ty’ere whistled again at a faster pace before dropping over the other side of the wall to escape a Knight’s oncoming attack.

  Yasmine pulled out a staff similar to Blanko’s, only she had the sharp tip activated, which was meant for killing. She looked back at Michael and Clay. “You two know what to do,” she said before following Blanko and Lennie up and over the wall.

  Michael and Clay pulled out their staffs as well. They looked at each other, both sweating bullets, and waited until they were partially sure that all of the Knights on duty were occupied with the others. It’s not that they were afraid to fight, but this was their first trip through the Gem quarter and they had to kill a girl. A woman, and one that Michael really didn’t want to hurt.

  “You ready?” Clay asked.

  Michael sighed, “Let’s just get this over with. We have to find her.”

  Clay nodded, “I’ll...take her out...”

  Michael clenched his teeth and faced the wall. Was it that obvious that he didn’t want to do this?

  The two of them flew up and over the wall, zoomed across the short distance of the Gem Quarter, and shot over the last wall, which was right next to the Palace. There wasn’t much room between the Palace and the Gem wall, so it took no time to glide into the shadows that the Palace created.

  Not far from where they were hiding they could hear the clashing of staffs and air boards whipping through the air. It didn’t look like any of the other Knights were alerted of what was going on, and they wouldn’t be for another five minutes or so since the Palace was so big. It probably would take some time to get to the ballroom, alert the Knights, and then get them out to fight the intruders.

  Clay took notice of the balcony overhead. “Up there,” he pointed.

  Michael followed behind Clay as they quietly flew up to the balcony. No one spotted them on their way to the top, or when they finally landed on their feet and snapped their air boards to their backs.

  The boys stood outside the room with blank faces and heaving chests. Neither of them were killers, but they had to do what they had to do. They just had to walk through the curtain, separating them from the bedroom, and kill the Princess. Once this was over, they would drink themselves to sleep at the bar, and pretend that it never happened.

  “Who knows, maybe she’s evil like the king,” Clay said more to himself than to Michael.

  Michael nodded, and tried to believe that, but something told him that it was far from true.

  Clay took a step forward and moved the curtain out of the way. From the flowery scent, they both knew that they came to the right bedroom. This was definitely where the Princess slept.

  Clay and Michael quietly entered the room and searched the darkness for the Princess. They both stopped looking when they saw her sleeping on her large canopy bed. She was laying on her back under the covers with her hand hanging over the edge. Her hair was wild over her pillow with a clump of it resting on her face.

  Clay reached into his holster and pulled out a small knife. He could have killed her with his staff, but that would have been too painful. He just wanted to push his knife deep into her heart so that there would be minimum pain, and less of a struggle.

  Michael nodded to Clay when he looked back for approval, then he followed behind Clay’s slow footsteps. The closer they got to the sleeping Princess, the tighter Michael’s chest became. He almost felt as if he couldn’t breathe.

  Clay stopped at the side of the bed and stared down at the golden light glowing from Aveena’s chest. It was so bright that it was illuminating through the covers. He frowned when he looked down at Aveena’s face, then he turned his head to look at Michael, “Asandra?”

  Michael shook his head no, “Aveena.”

  Aveena could hear the boys whispering and her eyelids flickered open. She was confused at first, but then again, her dream came rushing back to her. The knife, Clay, her blood....

  Aveena shot up on her elbow and tried to get away when Clay dropped his staff and grabbed her shoulder to hold her still. They were both frozen where they stood while Michael held his breath.

  “No,” Aveena shook her head. Her eyes lit up white in the darkness, revealing the fear in them.

  Clay took heavy deep breaths as he inched his knife towards her. Michael wanted to turn away, but he couldn’t break his eyes away from Aveena’s. Even at this moment, she looked as beautiful as ever, and he was sure that her smile would’ve added to her beauty.

  Aveena’s eyes searched Michael’s face for anything that would tell her that he wasn’t serious about this. He protected her when they were kids, even though he knew that she couldn’t die, but now...Was he really going to let her be killed? Did he want her dead just like Lavier? Like she thought Avon did? Was the one person that showed her true kindness five years ago going to watch her die? Her seal was still there to protect her, but she was able to use some of her powers now, which meant that it was fading. She wasn’t exactly sure how well it could protect her now.

  Michael narrowed his eyes at Aveena. He clenched his teeth and stared into her fear-filled eyes. Her hair stuck to her face and blew out as she took in deep breaths. He had the sickest feeling about this whole situation. His friend was going to become a murderer, and he was going to watch someone important—No, dear to him die.

  Michael reached up and touched the crystal on his neck. Aveena’s young smiling face flashed in his mind and he sucked in air. “Stop,” he said grabbing Clay’s wrist.

  Clay stopped midway. “Michael,” he growled.

  “She won’t die. You can’t kill her.” Michael remembered how she told him that when people intended on killing her, her seal protected her.

  Clay pulled away relieved, but frustrated. “What do you mean she can’t be killed?”

  Aveena scurried out of her bed and backed away from the other side of it.

  “I mean that seal on her chest protects her. That glowing light is the seal, and it keeps her from being killed.”

  Clay sighed with relief, “Thank Ralu.” He put his knife away and picked up his staff. “I really didn’t want to go through with that. Pointless to try now.”

  Michael slowly turned to Aveena with a look on his face that said he was sorry, but he doubted that she’d accept his apology. Her eyes were still wide with fear, but then soon her eyebrows formed into a frown and tears welled up in her eyes.

  “Avee-” Michael stopped when Aveena’s door flew open and five Knights rushed in.

  “Shoot!” Clay turned around and ran out to the balcony with Michael right behind him. They both had their air boards in hand and were about to jump off and make their escape when Clay screamed out in pain.

  Clay fell to the ground and grabbed at his calf where a knife had penetrated his flesh.

  “Clay!” Michael turned around.

  “No! Get out of here!” Clay yelled back. “You’ll know where to find me. Just go!”

  “Michael!” Ty’ere was in the air looking over at him. “Let’s go!”

  Michael hesitated, but then did as he was told and jumped off of the balcony. He slid the air board under his feet and then blasted off behind Ty’ere. Everyone returned to the bar except for Clay.


  Houston, Texas

  Year: 2015

  Grandpa looked down at the two kids and saw that they were both fast asleep on the floor. He was going to wake them and tell them to go back to their rooms, but they both looked so peaceful.

  Vincent slept with his head in his arms over his notebook, and Ayva pulled herself into a ball with her back against his ribs.

  Grandpa chuckled and shook his head, then he lay on the couch and kicked his feet up on the cushion. He knew that they would want to hear more of the story in the morning and had to get plenty of rest.


  Xavia walked into the living room the next morning and smiled.
They must have been up all night talking about Aveena, because usually, the kids would be up and about at this hour. It was almost noon, and they were still out cold.

  Xavia shook her head and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast. When she was finished, she set the plates of pancakes, eggs, and sausage down in front of each chair.

  Vincent must have smelled the food, because he was the first person to walk into the kitchen while rubbing his eyes.

  “Good afternoon,” Xavia said before walking up to Vincent and kissing his forehead.

  “Morning mom,” Vincent yawned.

  “Your food is ready. Pick a seat before grandpa gets in here.”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” Vincent moaned as he walked over to the seat on the long side of the table.

  Ayva and grandpa finally entered the kitchen and sat down. Ayva sat across from Vincent while grandpa picked a seat on the end.

  “Christian!” Xavia yelled.

  The three of them cringed at the sound of her shrill voice ringing in their ears.

  “I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” Christian said walking into the kitchen. He picked a seat right next to Ayva and smiled down at his food, “Mmm, baby this smells so good.”

  “Thank you hun,” Xavia beamed while sitting down at the other end of the table. “Ayva, you say grace.”

  “Okay,” Ayva bowed her head and the others followed by example. She said grace, and then they all dug in after a simultaneous “Amen”.

  “So, where did you guys leave off last night?” Xavia asked before taking a bite.

  “We were on the part where Clay gets captured by the Knights in the palace,” Vincent said with a mouthful of pancake.

  “Ahhh, it gets real good after that,” Xavia said. “Daddy, care to continue?”

  Grandpa took a sip of his orange juice and then cleared his throat, “I would love to.”

  Everyone turned to Grandpa and waited for him to continue the story...


  Year: 1875

  “Tayen, we have to go save him now!” Michael yelled. It was the day after Clay had been captured and they were probably already forcing Clay to take Z-qoin. In a few days, they would brand him and send him to the Zext Quarter where he would be forced into slavery.

  Michael, Tayen, Joctus, and Yasmine were in the basement going over what had happened last night.

  “Michael, we can’t go and get him yet, that’s what they will be expecting,” Tayen explained. She was having a hard time showing her stern side when Michael was on the verge of tears.

  Michael’s emotions were mixed with anger and sadness, and being told that he couldn’t go and save his partner was only making him feel worse. “That’s bull! He’s one of us. If he stays there any longer, he’ll be branded and then he’ll never get to come home,” he yelled.

  “Hey!” Yasmine grabbed Michael by the throat and lifted him into the air. “You don’t talk to her that way.”

  Tayen rested her hand on Yasmine’s shoulder, “It’s okay.”

  Michael didn’t fight back. He knew better than to challenge Yasmine. She was incredibly strong, just like Tayen. Once again, it was just a woman thing.

  Yasmine let Michael drop to the ground and then stepped back next to Joctus. Joctus stood with his arms folded and his eyes narrowed at Michael. No one ever talked back to Tayen. Not because she could rip them in half if she wanted to, but because she was their leader, and his woman.

  Tayen sighed, “Michael...”

  Michael looked up at Tayen with anger in his eyes. He wasn’t mad at her, because what she was saying made sense, but he was mad at the situation that they were in. He was mad that Clay had gotten captured. One of his own. He knew what would happen if he tried to save Clay, but he had to at least try. If he didn’t, then his friend would be gone forever.

  Tayen stared down at Michael, her eyes glowing brighter every second. Her eyebrows slowly raised when she understood what he was thinking, then they dropped into a frown. It was a look on her face that Michael had rarely ever seen.

  Michael clenched his teeth and tried to hurry and get to his feet, but Tayen was all too fast. She was in front of him in less than a second and punched him so hard in the face that he flew back and slid across the ground.

  “Tayen,” Joctus grabbed her shoulder before she went after Michael again.

  “You’re not going back to the Palace!” Tayen yelled. “I will not lose you too!”

  Michael spit blood from his mouth onto the ground next to him, then he touched his cheek which would be swelling soon. When he turned back to Tayen he saw that her wide eyes were glowing brighter than he had ever seen them. Whatever she saw in him must have really pissed her off, because he could tell that she wanted to come after him again.

  “Michael, get out of here,” Joctus ordered.

  Michael looked from Joctus to Tayen, then from Tayen back to Joctus.


  Michael stood to his feet and ran out of the basement into the full bar. Yasmine ran up behind him and grabbed him by his shoulder. Her strength kept him from jerking away.

  “Look at me,” Yasmine jerked him around to face her. She felt sorry for him, but she still had to remain unsympathetic. “Don’t do anything stupid. Tayen was being gentle with you, but if you go against her orders, she might really hurt you next time.”

  Michael clenched his teeth, but held eye contact.

  “She just cares a lot about you. Tayen caring...can be kind of painful. We’ll figure out how to get Clay back, just be patient,” she offered a reassuring smile, but Michael wasn’t taking it.

  Michael pulled away when she lightened her grip. “Clay doesn’t have time for us to be patient,” he growled. He marched out of the busy bar and into the sunlight. He wasn’t sure what he would do, but he would figure it out before someone could stop him.

  No one followed him out, and he was relieved that they didn’t. He walked up the stone road and stuffed his hands into his pockets. His mind was racing with thoughts as he made his way over to the Ruq Quarter. He would have to deal with Tayen, Clay was captured, Tayen tried to punch the god of Ralu into him, Clay was going to be branded, the look in Aveena’s eye’s when she felt betrayed....

  Michael felt as if he had betrayed Aveena. He couldn’t remember all of the details of her visit to Earth, but he could still remember how he felt around her. How he felt the need to protect her, and just hours ago how he was the one going against her. What if she hated him now? She had to. If there was any chance that she wasn’t on Lavier’s side before, then she definitely was now.

  Michael looked up and could almost smile at who he saw ahead of him. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and took a deep breath. He had a plan to get into the Palace, and he was going to go walking right in.

  Chapter 8

  Michael looked behind him to see if anyone had followed. No one from the organization was coming. Check. Now to go and piss off the lead Knight of the Ruq and Ponz Quarters.

  He strutted towards the Knight with confidence. He wasn’t going to put up a fight, and he was sure that the lead Knight didn’t feel like fighting either. He just wanted to capture Michael, and today he would.

  Michael walked through the entrance of the Ruq Quarter and bumped his shoulder against the lead Knight’s. He continued walking with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

  “Hey!” He recognized the lead Knights’ voice.

  “You boy!” One of the younger Knights grabbed Michael by his shoulder and yanked him around.

  The lead Knight’s eyes narrowed as he approached Michael, “You. Again.”

  “Gee...” Michael said rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I should really watch where I’m going huh?”

  “Aren’t you going to run?” The lead Knight asked.

  Michael looked around and saw that he was surrounded. “And go where? My air board isn’t on me, and it looks like I’m surrounded.”

  The lead Knight smiled as if he had just
accomplished something, “Grab him! We’re going to take him to the Palace!”

  “Yes, sir!” The Knights moved in on Michael and cuffed his hands behind his back, then they turned him around to lead him back to the Palace.


  The walk to the Palace was a long one since they weren’t using air boards. Well, the Knights used them while pulling Michael along with a rope around his neck. The lead Knight smiled every time Michael was jerked too hard and caused him to stumble forward. He had finally caught the boy and couldn’t wait until he was sentenced.

  Michael had no intentions of going to the Zext Quarter. Once he got to Clay, they were going to devise a plan to escape. Aveena kept getting out of the Palace somehow, so he would just figure out how and make a swift escape.

  They finally made it through the Gem wall and then up the long narrow pathway that led to the front doors of the Palace. Once they made it to the tall wooden doors, the Knights stepped off of their air boards and then waited for the doors to open.

  Michael took a deep breath. He wondered if any of the Knights inside would recognize him, or worse, Aveena might tell everyone he was with the organization. He hadn’t thought that far ahead until he stepped inside the palace with a rope around his neck and his hands bound behind his back. Last night wasn’t just a rebellious attack, but it was on the Princess herself. The sentence for that might be death. Clay may already be dead.

  “Worried?” The lead Knight asked smugly.

  Michael flared his nostrils and continued to look ahead. The King was sitting in a red chair with golden arm rests. He didn’t wear a shirt, revealing how he wasn’t well built like people expected a King to be, and he was wearing a pair of cotton red pants with a golden waist band. His black hair was in a braid that hung over his shoulder, and his short goatee was braided right down the middle.

  Michael turned his attention from the king and decided to take a look at his surroundings. There were a few Knights standing around, ones that Michael had never seen before. Each of them looked intimidating in their own way, but there was also something off about them. It was like they were filled with nothing but darkness. His eyes then went from the Knights and over to the red walls with golden designing’s on them. There wasn’t much to the entrance hall besides the designs and the king.